• Group Hypnobirthing Course $495

    Looking for quality birth education with an opportunity to connect with likeminded people? This course is for you! Run monthly, Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program Is a group course. The Program is a total of 12 hours tuition usually set over 2 Sundays. They are face to face classes run in a comfortable and calm setting. A wonderful way to prepare yourself for a beautiful and calm birth! Incuded in your tuition fee is the 12 hour course for yourself and your birth partner as well as over $200 worth of Hypnobirthing Australia resources:

    12 hours tuition with Certified Practitioner

    Hypnobirthing Australia Parent Booklet

    MP3 hypnosis tracks 

    Online resources

    PDF downloads


    Birth videos

    Practise videos

    Support via text/email until baby arrives

  • Private Hypnobirthing Course $770

    A truly individualised experience starts with personalised birth education. Private Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Programs are run from the comfort of your own home either online or in person. They are run at a mutually convenient time. This is an intimate bonding experience for you and your birth partner allowing you to prepare for a beautiful and calm birth privately. Included in the course fee is the 12 hours tuition for you and your birth partner as well as over $200 worth of Hypnobirthing Australia resources. These include:

    12 hours tuition with Certified Practitioner

    Hypnobirthing Australia Parent Booklet

    MP3 hypnosis tracks

    Online resources

    PDF downloads


    Birth videos

    Practise videos

    Support via text/email until baby arrives

  • Positive Caesarean Course $450

    The Positive Caesarean Course is a private course designed for those who are wanting to prepare for a gentle and positive c-section. This course is run at a mutually convenient time from the comfort of your own home (subject to location) or online, its your choice! Not all women can or want to give birth naturally but we believe that you still deserve to go into your birth without fear and feeling confident and relaxed. Included in the course fee is the 4 hours tuition for you and your birth partner as well as over $200 worth of Hypnobirthing Australia resources:

    4 hours tuition with Certified Practitioner

    Hypnobirthing Australia Caesarean Booklet

    MP3 hypnosis tracks

    Online resoucres

    PDF downloads


    Birth Videos

    Practise Videos

    Support via text/email until baby arrives

Meet Michelle

Hi, I’m Michelle. I am a Melbourne based Hypnobirthing Australia™ Practitioner. I work in the Eastern suburbs offering group and private Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program courses to expectant parents.

I am a Hypnobirthing Mama to two little ones and I am here because I have a passion for positive and empowered birth!

I fell in love with Hypnobirthing after completing the Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Course and using the techniques to birth my second child. I went on to have the most amazing natural birth and felt so empowered by this experience that I just had to help other realise their dreams of a positive birth too!

My Hypnobirthing has a Positive Birth Program to suit everyone!

Still can’t find something to suit?

Get in touch today to find out about alternative options.

Informed Supported Empowered

Are you seeking a positive, empowered birth and smooth transition to parenthood?

You’re in the right place! Quality birth education can have a profound affect on your transition into parenthood. The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program is a comprehensive, evidence-based course that supports women and their birth partners to achieve a calm and respected birth. Hypnobirthing teaches couples how to navigate the system, the tools and techniques needed to ensure a more comfortable birthing experience, empowers couples to advocate for the birth they want and helps to prepare your mind and body for a positive and calm birth no matter the circumstances.

Looking for birth education classes?

I have multiple options to suit your circumstances!

Kind Words

'Knowing what to expect made a world of difference. We want more people to benefit from the service you offer! It was a game changer for us.'

Adriane and Phil

'Welcoming our little girl in such a positive way has had such profound affect on us and we cannot recommend your course highly enough!'


'We wanted to say a huge thank you for the Hypnobirthing course we attended in January. It was incredibly helpful in preparing for my labour and birth.'

Bec and Josh

 “ I do not care what kind of birth you have… a home birth, scheduled caesarean, epidural hospital birth or if you birth alone in the woods next to a baby deer. I care that you had options, that you were supported in your choices and that you were respected.'“

JANUARY HARSHE - Birthing without Fear


 Let’s prepare for a positive and empowered birth.

  • Jordy's Birth Story

    I was 40+6 and feeling very nervous at the prospect of an induction if he did not decide to come on his own. I had been having consistent contractions all day however 10 min apart and not progressing. We continued about our day and even went to the movies that night as I think we had given up the idea of him coming!

    Read more…

  • Chiara's Birth Story

    Although Joe and I had planned and envisioned a natural birth from the beginning, we were met with a very unexpected circumstance. After a swim at a local pool and uncomfortable pain and cramping, our little girl decided to flip head up - breech. And, scan after scan she remained that way, despite my wildest attempts to turn her!

    Read more…

  • Alesha's Birth Story

    When we arrived at the birth suite my partner Sam started to set up our calming space by switching off the lights and setting up our galaxy star projected. Before completing the Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program he would often describe his role in our pregnancy journey as feeling like a spare part.

    Read more…

“If a woman doesn’t look like a goddess during labour, then someone isn’t treating her right.”